we’ll see

sitting here musing. thinking. reminiscing. wanting to make things clear. to sit across from him and share a piece of my truth. to tell him how i feel, felt, what i wanted that never was and how that changed who i became, am becoming. how do you tell a stranger that he struck a chord […]

3am musings

there’s a place within that’s hard to reach. it takes effort to find it (for the one who is willing to try) and once there, it takes courage (and a span of sevens) for access to be granted. once in awhile a curious soul attempts to find the hidden door beyond which lies generosity, loyalty, […]

the reunion

several weeks ago i went home to attend a concert. my ex is a bass player and the band he was in when we dated 20 years ago was holding their reunion concert. he set aside two tickets for me and in anticipation of seeing this man after probably 15 years i hopped a flight, picked […]

listen to cameo

in my 30s i was both a guest and a participant in several weddings. one year i was in two weddings back to back. i always felt that those who knew me were watching me to see if i was genuinely happy for the bride. it was if they were waiting for me to fall […]

musings from last summer

i drove to work the other morning asking myself, what is my why. why do i rise early, work late and pay a mortgage to live in an apartment? why are my clothes and shoes spilling out of my closet and still i’m trolling michael kors, rachel roy, and vince camuto in search of a […]

when a stranger calls

1979. a film called when a stranger calls about a psycho who terrorizes a babysitter. he calls her from inside house and says, “did you check the children?” when i was a kid my eldest sister watched the film and likely we did too, and she would frighten the crap out of us with the […]

know your worth

when i hear people speak of slavery and refer to the enslaved as slaves, my jaws tighten and my blood boils. the AFRICANS who were stolen from their native land were FREE PEOPLE. they were never slaves, they were ENSLAVED. there is a difference, it is subtle but significant. about a year ago i watched […]

to be or not to be (married)

“singleness is a gift.” that is a common refrain in church circles, single’s ministries, women’s bibles studies and the like, and in many respects i agree.as a single woman i use all the counter space in the bathroom, hang my swimsuits from the showerhead, order marc fisher, vince camutos, and michael kors regularly, and lie […]

it’s my truth

everyone has a story. some have a shitty beginning, middle, and it’s questionable how it will end. but the truth, if we were willing to share it, is that what our fellow sister is enduring we have lived and might still be living. we are incredible actors, hollywood missed out on true talent, women who […]

psalm 61

I listened to pastor amy’s message on dream seeds again this morning. I found a parking spot and as she wrapped the message I wept. And I wept. My heart is so overwhelmed by loss, grief, sadness, memories, dreams deferred and her message told me not to give up on my dreams. That God gave […]